Please note I avoid the phrase "Happy Holidays." Can we please deep-six this trite "non-denominational" greeting, designed to alert the world that those uttering the salutation are sensitive people aware that the recipients of the greeting...
17 December 2003
I hadn't seen Jackson Browne in five years and I was really excited. The last time I did see him, all I can clearly
remember was the beautiful gold trimmed bouquet of white flowers that Jackson had given me. This was the first gift...
13 December 2003
ANNAPOLIS, Maryland, December 12th — An internal memo has just surfaced suggesting e-vote manufacturer Diebold planned to overcharge the state of Maryland and make voter printouts "prohibitively expensive".
An employee...
An employee...
13 December 2003
It's a wrap for Howard Dean's drive to be the Democratic presidential nominee. Unless the former Vermont governor has souvenirs of malodorous corruption in those famous sealed files from his gubernatorial stints in Montpelier, or once ran...
11 December 2003
SAN FRANCISCO -- Up against the campaign of a wealthy businessman
who outspent him nearly 10-to-1, a strong progressive candidate nearly
won the runoff election last Tuesday to become this city’s mayor. Some
national news stories depicted...
09 December 2003
Christmas Comes Early for Bush and GOP Contributors at Americans' Expense
The Voter Fund has launched a national cable network television and newspaper ad buy exposing "The most outrageous Christmas list in...
The Voter Fund has launched a national cable network television and newspaper ad buy exposing "The most outrageous Christmas list in...