We saw butterflies turning into bombers. And we weren't dreaming. At
the time when the Woodstock festival became an instant media legend in
mid-August 1969, melodic yearning for peace was up against the cold steel
of American war machinery...
09 August 2004
The same broadcast networks that eagerly devote endless prime-time
hours to vacuous sitcoms and unreal "reality shows" couldn't spare a total
of more than a few hours last week for live coverage of the Democratic
National Convention....
09 August 2004
A recent obituary in the New York Times told about Frank Smith, "who
as an inmate leader at Attica prison was tortured by officers in the
aftermath of the prisoner uprising of 1971 and then spent a quarter century
successfully fighting...
31 July 2004
More investigation needed: Bush conflicts of interest; who paid for the
9/11 hijackings; the role of US foreign policy; exploitation of 9/11 to
justify war on Iraq.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Leaders of the Green Party called...
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Leaders of the Green Party called...
31 July 2004
The hype and hysteria reached even the sleepy North Shore of Boston. In the
weeks leading up to the summer's seminal event in The Big City, local police
chiefs were predicting endless commutes and near-constant gridlock. Many
31 July 2004
No, hope does not gallop in like Paul Revere. And it certainly doesn't
arrive breathless from a corporate party convention.
Movements for peace and social justice can bring realistic hope -- not with rhetoric but...
Movements for peace and social justice can bring realistic hope -- not with rhetoric but...