12 December 2004
Click on the below links to read the transcripts from public hearings on voter irregularities in Ohio:

New Faith Baptist Church Public...
10 December 2004
The usual notion of big news is the unusual. Journalists are taught to look for "man bites dog" stories -- the events that raise eyebrows and make us think, "Wow!"

News of the ordinary also makes the cut in media outlets, of...
02 December 2004
"The failing grade in prevention means thousands of needlessly infected people," said HRC Political Director Winnie Stachelberg

WASHINGTON - The Human Rights Campaign released a report card today reflecting the U.S.'s response...
02 December 2004
AUSTIN -- It is both peculiar and chilling to find oneself discussing the problem of American torture. I have considered support of basic human rights and dignity so much a part of our national identity that this feels as strange as though...
30 November 2004
AUSTIN, Texas -- Goody, goody, gumdrop. We could get Phil Gramm back again, this time as secretary of the treasury. Oh how I've missed that little ray of sunshine, the bleeding heart from Bryan, the man who thinks poor people are all fat....


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