AUSTIN, Texas -- Cheez, I go to all this trouble not to call the president of the United States a liar -- perhaps misinformed, did not seem to know about, no one has told him, etc. -- and then he just comes flat out with a whopper...
13 January 2005
The lawsuit challenging Ohio's 2004 presidential race has been withdrawn from the Ohio Supreme Court, having served as a lightning rod to draw national attention to the widespread and possibly illegal irregularities in the vote that gave...
12 January 2005
Much has been heard about Social Security being “in crisis.” It isn’t. Very long term, there’s a potential problem if current longevity trends continue. We are living a lot longer, and sometime around 2040 there might be more people...
11 January 2005
AUSTIN, Texas --- Excuse me, but is that smoke in your ear?
I wouldn't go calling anyone a liar, but as we say in our quaint Texas fashion, this administration is stuffed with people who are on a first-name basis with the...
I wouldn't go calling anyone a liar, but as we say in our quaint Texas fashion, this administration is stuffed with people who are on a first-name basis with the...
11 January 2005
Network's Craven Back-Down on Bush Draft Dodge Report Sure to Get a Standing Rove-ation at White House
"Independent" my ass. CBS' cowardly purge of five journalists who exposed George Bush's dodging of the Vietnam War...
"Independent" my ass. CBS' cowardly purge of five journalists who exposed George Bush's dodging of the Vietnam War...