On Aug. 14, the New York Times published a piece by Frank Rich under
the headline “Someone Tell the President the War Is Over.” The article was
a flurry of well-placed jabs about the Bush administration’s lies and
miscalculations for the...
15 August 2005
[In 1963, historian Howard Zinn was fired from Spelman College, where he was chair of the History Department, because of his civil rights activities. This year, he was invited back to give the commencement address. Here is the text of...
11 August 2005
August 10, 2005?
?Dear Ms. Sheehan,
?From your grief over the loss of your son, Casey, in Iraq has come the courage to spotlight nationally the cowardly character trait of a President who refuses to meet with anyone...
?Dear Ms. Sheehan,
?From your grief over the loss of your son, Casey, in Iraq has come the courage to spotlight nationally the cowardly character trait of a President who refuses to meet with anyone...
11 August 2005
Mid-August 2005 may be remembered as a moment in U.S. history when
the president could no longer get away with the media trick of solemnly
patting death on its head.
Unreality is a hallmark of media coverage for war. Yet...
Unreality is a hallmark of media coverage for war. Yet...
11 August 2005
If you accept the judgment of the polls this summer, George Bush is a stricken president. Leave aside his now-permanent sub-50 percent status in popular approval. Take his calling card, conduct of the "war on terror." His status on the...