
03 November 2005
AUSTIN, Texas -- While it's still an open contest for Worst Legacy of the Bush Years, the destruction of goodwill for America around the world is definitely a contender.

In the days and weeks following Sept. 11, the...
03 November 2005
Amidst the chaos and confusion of Ohio’s 2004 presidential election, with so many irregularities, that for the first time in the United States history an entire electoral slate was challenged by the U.S. Congress, an Ohio election reform...
02 November 2005
Senator Harry Reid, the minority leader of the upper chamber of the U.S. Government, infuriated the Bush administration and its Republican cronies on Tuesday by forcing the body into closed session. The move is allowed under a little used...
02 November 2005
Let's hear it for Protestant fundamentalists (American variety) yet again. Was there ever a more pragmatic bunch? After centuries of howling No Popery and denouncing the Whore of Rome, they're now trying to give us a U.S. Supreme Court...
01 November 2005
AUSTIN, Texas -- Leap I lightly, with the grace of a gazelle, over such mundane news items as indictments at the White House and Supreme Court nominations. All the better to continue my crusade to focus attention not on what's wrong, but...


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