Four hundred thousand people coursing for miles through Chicago streets on May 1 - laughing, clapping, chanting joyously, bearing signs as heart-breakingly plaintive as "We Are Workers, Not Criminals" and "No Human Being Is Illegal" - came...
05 May 2006
There are now 37 Congress Members backing an investigation into grounds for impeachment related to the war. Rep. Hilda Solis has joined the list of cosponsors of House Resolution 635, introduced by Congressman John Conyers.
05 May 2006
We should impeach Vice President Dick Cheney first, and President George Bush immediately thereafter. This idea is not original with me. It's been seen on bumper stickers for quite some time. My attention has been called to it by the...
02 May 2006
George W. Bush likes to portray himself as a down-home Texan, the kind of guy you’d love to barbecue steaks or hunt with on the weekend. As most people know, Bush is in fact a child of Eastern establishment privilege, weaned in suburban...
02 May 2006
AUSTIN, Texas -- Either the so-called "lobby reform bill" is the contemptible, cheesy, shoddy piece of hypocrisy it appears to be ... or the Republicans have a sense of humor.
The "lobby reform" bill does show, one...
The "lobby reform" bill does show, one...
01 May 2006
As the Bush/neo-con kleptocracy disintegrates in a toxic cloud of
military defeat, economic bankruptcy, environmental disaster and
escalating mega-scandal, its attack on basic American freedoms---its
"New Totalitarianism"---has...