
20 September 2006
It's personal for a lot of people. 9-11. So personal Keith Olberman wrote an essay on why it's personal to him. It's personal to me.

September 11, 2001. My mother, who was born in the city at Cornell Med was in the city...
20 September 2006
AUSTIN, Texas -- Is it just me, or was that the worst presidential press conference in history? So I went back and read it over. Of course, in print you don't get the testy tone: I heard it on radio and thought the man was about to blow up...
20 September 2006
AUSTIN, Texas -- Some country is about to have a Senate debate on a bill to legalize torture. How weird is that?

I'd like to thank Sens. John McCain, Lindsay Graham -- a former military lawyer -- and John Warner of...
20 September 2006
"In one corner of the little room a couple of mops, with stiff, clotted, foul-smelling heads stand near a rusty bucket. . . . In the room a child is sitting. It could be a boy or a girl. It looks about six, but actually is nearly ten....
17 September 2006
For The Guardian (UK) -- Is the Alaska Pipeline corroded?  You bet it is.  Has been for more than a decade.  Did British Petroleum shut the pipe yesterday to turn a quick buck on its negligence, to profit off the disaster it created?  Just...
16 September 2006
I attacked the conspiracy nuts last week -- these being the self-styled "Truthers" claiming the WTC and Pentagon attacks were organized by a list of suspects ranging from Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld to the Queen of England.


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