I've never been the kind of donor who gives matching grants. In fact I've
never been a major donor at all, just someone who gives $25 here and $50
there to a bunch of causes I believe in, because that's what I can afford..
So I loved the...
18 October 2006
After rounding up all the supplies and making contact with my assistant, we jumped in her car and headed west from my fortified compound on the Mason-Dixon Line to the Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI). During the two hour...
18 October 2006
Peace activists were arrested on the 26th on the west grounds of the United States Capitol. The event was organized by the Declaration of Peace, and the plan was to march around the Capitol and then proceed to protest in Senators' offices...
17 October 2006
AUSTIN, Texas -- One reason despair is not an option is because things can always get worse, and then what'll we do? I was actually trying to figure that out when I came across a remarkable article written for the The Nation magazine (...
17 October 2006
The polls all point to a Democratic sweep in November. The news pours
in about pedophile Republicans and Team Bush contempt for their
fundamentalist bedmates. Iraq implodes. Deficits soar. Katrina
lingers. Scandal is everywhere....
15 October 2006
It's easy to delight in the Hastert/Foley meltdown, and how it's hit a
national nerve. Building on all the administration's abuses, failures, and
lies, the cover up of this out-of-control congressman may just give America
the inadvertent...