It has been a great week for America due to two sources typical of the new media – bright people with standards that simply don’t allow the sufferance of injustice and false claims of victory and morality when the opposite is clear....
18 February 2007
Congressman John Conyers, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, has used the following rhetoric repeatedly in recent weeks:
"George Bush has the habit of firing military leaders who tells him the Iraq war is failing. But let...
"George Bush has the habit of firing military leaders who tells him the Iraq war is failing. But let...
18 February 2007
For a documentary on the 100-year history - and horror - of aerial bombardment, Barry Stevens' "The Bomber's Dream" has a remarkably deft touch. The emotion driving the film isn't outrage so much as jumpiness, of the sort that bedeviled...
17 February 2007
In a video interview with Tom Andrews posted at Congressman Jack Murtha makes clear that the limitations on additional war money that he intends to include in the...
15 February 2007
It requires no special skill to sell Michael Gordon, chief military correspondent of the New York Times, the Brooklyn Bridge. All you have to do is whisper down the phone to him that the transaction will occur at a background "briefing" by...
14 February 2007
When analyzing the consequences of and remedies for discrimination
against African Americans, courts and scholars characterize African
Americans as a minority. This Article shows that the traditional
approach is wrong: When it mattered...