
20 February 2008
We have screamed at the heavens and cried bitter tears.  We've marched and picketed and gone to jail.  And we are sick.  Sick of the corruption…sick of the liars…sick of this war! 

On March 19, the day the U.S. invaded Iraq...
18 February 2008
Just about a year ago a leading activist in the climate movement made a comment that I took note of at the time and haven’t forgotten: Presidential politics overshadows all other politics during a Presidential election period.
18 February 2008
Congressman Leonard Boswell, right-wing Democrat from Iowa'a third district, would apparently like to avoid the fate of Congressman Al Wynn in Maryland. Al Wynn nearly lost a primary in 2006 to a challenger from his left, Donna Edwards. He...
17 February 2008
In a race where Clinton seemed to have every advantage, why has Barack Obama now won eight primaries and caucuses in a row? If you look at the rhythm of the campaign, this is the first point where most of America's voters have a chance to...


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