
22 May 2008
So we blink, take a breath, stare once more at the vote total: 149 nay, 141 yea. War funding request denied!

This is a first, fleeting and fluky though it may be. Look quickly and imagine a Congress that doesn’t feed the war...
17 May 2008
"What this means is that corporations and those who run them cannot stop exploiting resources and amassing wealth until they have… .I cannot finish this sentence, because the truth is that can never stop; like cancer, they can only...
16 May 2008
Sixty-one years ago, a truly great athlete broke the color line in America’s "National Pastime," which still resides near the core of our culture.

Now the question of whether Barack Obama can do the same for the American...
16 May 2008
Well, why shouldn’t the Pentagon put its four-stars on the tube to ladle out patriotic talking points to the American public like mess hall stew?

There’s a straightforward quasi-honesty to government-managed news, which only...
15 May 2008
John Edwards just endorsed Barack Obama. If Edwards' 19 delegates take his advice and vote for Obama, then Obama now has 1,620 pledged delegates to Clinton's 1,441. There are 189 delegates left to be pledged in remaining states. Clinton...
14 May 2008
With Hillary Clinton rejecting the compromise that Michigan Democratic leaders just crafted, the Democratic Rules Committee has a dilemma. Clinton keeps demanding that Michigan's delegates be apportioned according to the January 15 vote,...


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