27 August 2010
Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream Speech" is one of history's greatest orations, as well as one of its most beautiful arias.

To truly honor him and the heartfelt genius he brought us, we must do the one thing that most...
27 August 2010
Jennifer Bowman: So let's cut right to the chase. In some of your recent writings, you've indicated that you're dealing with some serious challenges in your life right now. What are they?

Jason Miller: Aside from the systemic...
25 August 2010
It felt surreal to be inside the home of Erik Prince, the founder, owner and chairman of Blackwater (or Xe, as it is now called). Prince, a former Navy Seal, provides security for the CIA, the Pentagon and the State Department. His company...
25 August 2010
It's been five years already. In New Orleans, more than half the original residents have not, cannot, return.

"They don't want no poor niggers back in - that's the bottom line."

And that's Malik Rahim, Director...
21 August 2010
Watching MSNBC’s coverage of ‘the last combat troops leaving Iraq’ for 3 hours reminded of a few brutal realities that still plague this country and this planet. The first being just how far this country remains from any semblance of...


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