03 May 2018

Dear diary, many of my colleagues are unhappy about the recent events in Syria. They are unhappy that Assad is still in power. However, I see the metaphorical glass as being half full. In a ...

03 May 2018

By David Swanson

  1. There are over 80 million men, women, and children in Iran. Bombing them would be mass-murder.
  2. If the U.S. government and its allies bomb Libya and Iran when their governments choose not to have...
02 May 2018

The question in the title of this week’s column was the title of the Duluth News-Tribune’s Opinion Page PRO/CON feature that was published yesterday, April 30, 2018. For those who have discarded the paper already, or for those who didn’...

25 April 2018


The following group of 5 photographs were taken after the catastrophic Teton River (Idaho) Dam failure that occurred on June 5, 1976. The earthen dam was 305 feet high and held back a 17 mile-long reservoir. The dam breach...

18 April 2018

“…most ‘flu’ appears to have nothing to do with influenza. Every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory specimens are tested across the US. Of those tested, on average 16% are found to be influenza positive.” – From...

14 April 2018

Compiled from the [non-Big Pharma/Big Vaccine/Big Medicine-controlled medical literature by Gary G. Kohls, MD - (6,376 Words)


“The sad truth is that is that there is a lot of money to be made...


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