
Bob's face and logo
04 July 2016

Bernie Sanders need only ask the obvious question to find his way out of the corporate capitalist neocon wasteland where he now lingers – What Would Debs Do?

Sanders is quite familiar with the life of his “hero” Eugene...

Man and young boy hiking on mountain
25 June 2016

This is a banner week for South Seas Cinema, the film genre set in/shot at the Pacific Islands. It is being kicked off by writer/director Taika Waititi’s gem, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, which was made on location in Aotearoa/...

17 June 2016

In what's being called the worst mass killing by the United States in the past six months, numerous mentally disturbed individuals, with the extensive backing of a well-financed terrorist organization, and support from a...

Hilary cartoon
29 April 2016

At this delicate moment in the primary season, we all need to take a deep breath and evaluate what comes next.

Bernie Sanders has a mathematical chance to win. But Hillary seems the likely Democratic nominee.

Donald Trump...

Nuke plant
26 April 2016

April 26 marks the 30th anniversary of the catastrophic explosion at theChernobyl nuclear power plant.

It comes as Germany, which is phasing out all its...

Newly-elected members of the Franklin County Democratic Party Central Committee assembled outside Ohio Democratic Headquarters on April 20.
22 April 2016

The air crackled with anticipation on Wednesday evening as newly-elected members of the Franklin County Democratic Party (FCDP) Central Committee gathered outside Ohio Democratic Party headquarters. In a few minutes they would join a...


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