I always try to sell the Left on optimism because of the Left's
regrettable tendency to think everything's for the worst in the worst of all
possible worlds. We just saw East Timor celebrate independence. As I told a
celebration party put...
23 May 2002
Parable No. 1: The Propane Valve Crisis
In California and other states across this great nation, we have been confronting deadlines on new propane bottle valves. I speak of the mostly 5-gallon propane gas bottles...
In California and other states across this great nation, we have been confronting deadlines on new propane bottle valves. I speak of the mostly 5-gallon propane gas bottles...
21 May 2002
Right in the wake of House Majority leader Dick Armey's explicit
call for two million Palestinians to be booted out of the West Bank and East
Jerusalem, and Gaza as well, came yet one more of those earnest articles
accusing a...
09 May 2002
I'd guess it was the most explicit call for ethnic cleansing by
a prominent American since Sherman's designation of the only good Indian
being a dead one, or California's second governor, John McDougal's,
declaration in his first...
01 May 2002
Two years ago, less than 8 percent of those who took part in a
Gallup poll among Jewish Israelis said they were in favor of what is
politely called "transfer" - that is, the expulsion of perhaps two million
Palestinians across the River...
24 April 2002
LINCOLN -- This nicely rehabbed little place about 160 miles
south by southeast from Santa Fe, N.M., is the wellspring of the Billy the
Kid saga. He hung out here, was jailed here, escaped from jail here, and so
forth. In this same...