05 March 2004
Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, Ridge, Schwarzenegger, Rove
PRESIDENT BUSH: Alright, everybody, on your knees. We've been beat up enough
these past few months. It's time to get right with the Big Guy.
03 March 2004
Here's how a lifelong, very radical organizer put it to me the week after Nader announced he was entering the race.
"I have never voted for a Democrat for president, and I don't intend to start now, but I want to...
"I have never voted for a Democrat for president, and I don't intend to start now, but I want to...
03 March 2004
As you may know, FirstEnergy's Davis-Besse nuclear power plant in Oak Harbor, Ohio has been shutdown for over two years because a football-sized hole was discovered by workers during routine maintenance. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission...
28 February 2004
Even on Oscar night, the war in Vietnam still rages. With a billion people
glued to their tubes, the old battle cry that "the whole world is watching" was
once again true.
As "Fog of War" won Sunday night for best...
As "Fog of War" won Sunday night for best...