Dedicated to the cowardly Democratic Party members whose votes affirmed the Bush administration's unfounded right to illegal searches and seizures and warrantless wiretapping of citizens in the global war on terror:
Until the ethical and legal questions that trail Karl Rove are answered, his own explanation for abruptly departing the White House must suffice. Perhaps he is the first pol in history to flee Washington because he actually wants to spend...
Mitt Romney can't claim to be the new darling of the Religious Right while claiming it's wrong to bring up religion in discussions about his presidential aspirations. Of course...
Aerial gunners have killed over 600 wolves in Alaska since 2003, and now Governor Sarah Palin wants to offer $150 bounties to encourage hunters to kill more wolves. Even worse, Idaho and Wyoming have proposed aerial gunning programs of...
Listening to the Republican candidates for president warn against "socialized medicine," you might believe that national health insurance is really a plot to institute Soviet rule in the United States. The most feverish rhetoric comes from...