09 January 2018

A long-standing French protectorate briefly occupied by Japan during World War II, Cambodia became independent in 1953 as the French finally withdrew from Indochina. Under the leadership of Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodia remained...

Close up of black man's face with wire rimmed glasses, a moustache and a worried or scared look as he looks up
07 January 2018

Resident Donald Trump’s highly criticized so-called Election Integrity Commission, looking into supposed “voter fraud,” was disbanded Wednesday, January 3. The Commission was forged by fire in the tweets of Trump and his bizarre claim...

Photo of men and women posing and facing the camera all wearing long black robes in front of a dark red curtain
07 January 2018

Millions of Ohio voters have tried to vote on Election Day over the past 15 years only to find their names were erased from the pollbooks.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)...

05 January 2018


These 10+ TruthDig interviews in the link below are promising sources of information to enlighten (and frighten) viewers into awareness (and activism) concerning the devastating implications of the near-total...

05 January 2018

“Mr. Kim may be partly motivated by an intense need to roll back sanctions that, by all accounts, have begun to bite.”

Whoa and ouch. This was my...

04 January 2018

The Free Press rarely if ever posts fundraisering appeals for other organizations or people, after all, we need donations ourselves.  

If you do not know who Jeffrey Sterling is, please read.  He became a political prisoner for a...


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