28 March 2018

With the appointment of leading neoconservative John Bolton as National Security Advisor, the Zionist war-party takeover of the White House is nearly complete. With Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State,...

28 March 2018

Dear Mr. President (or should I say, Dear Mr. I-Lost-the-Popular-Vote-By-3mm-and-Needed-Putin-to-Steal-the-Electoral-College-For-Me):...

28 March 2018
  My wife and I moved from the Los Angeles area to the hills of Northern California in 1971, seven miles from the nearest paved road; far enough from any immediate help from law enforcement that the local police told us “Make sure you’re...
27 March 2018
“The U.S. government claims that it’s not engaged in hostilities unless U.S. troops are on the ground being shot at by the enemy…. It stretches the imagination, and it stretches the English language beyond its breaking...


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