
25 December 2018

Writer/director Adam McKay’s Vice, an all-star biographical movie about Dick Cheney is among Hollywood’s top 2018 political pictures. It’s utterly uncanny how Christian Bale completely disappears into his role as the former vice...

25 December 2018

A grim “Red Line” has been crossed. But not the one Donald wants.

He’s unexpectedly talking about troop withdrawals from Syria and Afghanistan, offering a welcome glimmer for peace.

But he’s...

23 December 2018

Shot in glorious black and white, Cold War’s helmer Pawel Pawlikowski’s won the 2018 Cannes Film Festival’s Best Director award and the film was nominated for Cannes’ prestigious Palme d’Or. Cold War won six...

23 December 2018

“They must kill and continue to kill, strange as it may seem, in order not to know that they are killing.” — ...

23 December 2018

If two hours and 23 minutes of nearly nonstop noisy action, violence, CGI and other eye-popping special effects in a superhero movie is your thing, then you will love the mind-boggling Aquaman. It’s put-your-brain-into-neutral...

23 December 2018

Inspired by a true story, director/co-writer Robert Zemeckis’ Welcome to Marwen is about how a hate crime perpetrated against real life Mark Hoagancamp (Steve Carell) affects the illustrator. Suffering partial amnesia and no...


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