
25 February 2019

As blackface, KKK and noose racist imagery and scandals involving Jussie Smollett, R. Kelley, etc., threatened to overshadow the yearly Black History Month celebrations, the L.A.-based Pan African Film Festival ...

24 February 2019

The U.S. State Department uses public funds and public employees to market private products designed for mass killing to foreign governments. Few corporations have benefitted more from this socialism for the oligarchs than Boeing. In...

24 February 2019

Ok let's get one thing straight: Bernie Sanders was my kind of candidate, but if he had really wanted to win in 2016 he would have challenged the primary election results ten ways to Sunday. In Massachusetts,...

23 February 2019

"In modern times, an increase in chemical production has led to widespread environmental chemical contamination that can affect normal hormone function in those exposed, particularly in vulnerable populations, such as children and...


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