
03 May 2019

Entertainment misinforms. Humans cannot possibly survive into a distant future that includes light-speed travel while simultaneously behaving like feral animals. Torture doesn’t work. Politicians don’t resemble Martin Sheen. The poor...

03 May 2019

Executive Director of World BEYOND War


In a day and age when many of us are taught to overcome prejudice and behave respectfully toward all, mainstream U.S. media...

01 May 2019

Here I am sleeping at the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington D.C. so that a coup government led by a graduate of George Washington University a few blocks from here doesn’t take the place over or send the U.S. Secret Service (and what the...

01 May 2019

Give a judge a couple of years and he’ll eventually blurt out that the sky is blue.

That’s now happened in Charlottesville, where...

27 April 2019

Below are 10 basic questions for U.S. Presidential Candidates and the answers they have thus far provided, if any.

  1. 1.What would you like the U.S. discretionary budget to look like? Roughly what percentage should go to...


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