
03 August 2019

From almost the split second when the proverbial curtain lifts on Danny Cistone’s realistic SoCal house set, Vs. Theatre Company’s production of Sam Shepard’s True West crackles with tension. In this gripping, grim drama that’s...

02 August 2019

 bought, gerrymandered Ohio Legislature has just handed a much-hated $150 million/year public bailout to two dinosaur nuke reactors primed to...

02 August 2019

The comedian George Carlin liked to marvel at oxymorons like "jumbo shrimp" and "military intelligence." Now, as the race for the Democratic presidential nomination intensifies, reporters and pundits at corporate media outlets are...

02 August 2019

The Tehran government has announced the arrest of seventeen Iranian citizens caught...

02 August 2019


Hobbs & Shaw is an action-packed spin-off from the Fast & Furious film franchise, with Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock) and Jason Stratham reprising their roles from that highly kinetic...

31 July 2019

“So, Senator Sanders, do you think that someone who’s profited from the current so-called healthcare system, like John Delaney, is qualified to tell you not to change it?”

is a different sort of question from



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