
27 May 2020

This is so much bigger than personal accountability.

Yes, the four police officers present at the ...

26 May 2020

BANGKOK, Thailand -- An uncontrolled virus killed at least 543 horses
and many are being buried in mass graves, amid suspicion that imported
zebras brought the disease which is ravaging Thailand's international...

24 May 2020

Two months have gone by since the Secretary General of the United Nations proposed an absolutely necessary global ceasefire.

The U.S. government has...

24 May 2020

We are being utterly transformed. And the world is being utterly transformed around us.

Ostensibly, this is to tackle a simple virus. In reality, it is to achieve an elite design at staggering cost...

23 May 2020

John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and this TED Talkhas a new book called Touching the Jaguar. You can ...


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