War and plunder continue to rip apart great swathes of Africa. The perpetrators are known, and many have been named and exposed. The regimes on Ethiopia, Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan and Uganda continue to foment covert international...
14 April 2013
BANGKOK, Thailand -- A Buddhist group says it successfully convinced a
French factory to stop printing Buddha's face on toilets, but failed
in a lengthy campaign to censor a Walt Disney movie series featuring a
dog named Buddha.
28 March 2013
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia -- An American combat photographer said his
picture of captured U.S.-backed Cambodian officials, hours before they
were "bludgeoned to death" by Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge in 1975, is the
most important testimony he gave at...
19 March 2013
BANGKOK, Thailand -- In November 1975, seven months after Pol Pot
seized Cambodia, then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger asked
Thailand's representatives about Pol Pot's brother-in-law, Ieng Sary.
Thailand's Chatichai...
Thailand's Chatichai...
17 February 2013
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia -- Former king Norodom Sihanouk was cremated on February 4, but the flames could not destroy the legacy of his words, describing how he transported weapons to Vietnam's communists to kill Americans, and promising guns...
12 July 2012
BANGKOK, Thailand -- A pool of flesh-eating fish may conjure up painful visions of pointy-toothed piranhas, but that doesn't stop countless people offering themselves to gentler fish which hungrily suck dead skin, prompting new health...