24 July 2018

Everyone's talking about election hacking these days. In the country's latest reprise of "the Russians are coming," we're all in turmoil about Putin's interference in U.S. elections.


However, don't you find it highly ironic...

Black man holding a sign reading My vote has been paid for in BLOOD
23 June 2018

The Supreme Court decision blessing the purge of half a million voters in Ohio is NOT the last word.

On Monday, the renowned law firm of Mirer Mazzocchi Julien of New York will serve a 90-day notice on Jon Husted, the Secretary...

12 June 2018

The US Supreme Court (by the usual 5-4) has certified Ohio’s Jim Crow stripping of more than a million mostly black and Hispanic citizens from the 2018 voter registration rolls. Unless the Democrats effectively respond, a GOP victory in...

Lots of different types of Xs and checkmarks
05 May 2018

Technology has bestowed a stunning twist of fate in the arcane world of counting how America votes.

A decade ago, activists railed against private companies who made the computer-driven “black boxes” that tabulated election...

Older woman standing by an electronic voting machine
20 April 2018


Husted, Counties Sued to Prevent Planned Destruction of Election Records

Columbus, OH, April 20, 2018 – Ohio voters are suing Secretary of State Jon Husted and the...

Words TrustVote report with checkmark and words Bob Fitrakis with eagle in the background
18 March 2018

Ohio’s decision to buy new voting machines will make the difference between hackable -- or less-hackable elections.

Let’s begin by stating the obvious: All computer voting machines can be hacked!

We remember when Ohioans...


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