CORNUCOPIA, WI: When the staff at The Cornucopia Institute surveyed Wal-Mart stores around the country last September, analyzing the giant retailer’s pronouncement that they would begin selling a wide variety of organic food at just a 10...
13 December 2006
The Idaho Power Company recently submitted a plan to state utility commissioners, a proposed blueprint for how energy would be generated for the state’s growing population. Over the next 20 years, new energy sources would be created –...
14 November 2006
CORNUCOPIA, WI: The Cornucopia Institute, the nation's most aggressive organic farming watchdog, has filed a formal legal complaint with the USDA asking them to investigate allegations of illegal “organic” food distribution by Wal-Mart...
23 August 2006
CORNUCOPIA: Organic livestock farmers may soon have access to additional medicines to treat their animals for common ailments. The USDA’s National Organic Program has proposed rule changes to add thirteen new materials to the “National...
13 August 2006
WASHINGTON: One of the nation's most aggressive organic watchdogs filed a formal legal complaint today (8/10/06) against the country's leading organic brand, Horizon, alleging a well-financed campaign to greenwash milk produced at factory...
02 June 2006
High gasoline prices have jump-started a long overdue national conversation
on the consequences of U.S. dependence on foreign oil.
Since gas prices crossed the magic $3-a-gallon threshold a few weeks ago, we've seen a rush...
Since gas prices crossed the magic $3-a-gallon threshold a few weeks ago, we've seen a rush...