21 April 2020

Remember Rockefeller’s best employee, Kissinger once said, "Make the economy scream!”

On 21 September 1970, Allende had been declared victor of clean elections, but before he took over the presidency, after a fruitless effort by...

17 April 2020

When Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud (the Father of Psychoanalysis), wrote his famous 1928 book, Propaganda, he titled the first chapter of the book “Organizing Chaos”. The...

28 March 2020


The Washington Post’s...

27 March 2020

The coronavirus story has generated a number of major subplots. First is the origin of the virus. Did it occur naturally or was it created in a Chinese, American or Israeli weapons lab? If bioengineered, did it somehow escape or was it...

25 March 2020



While humans stand on the brink of precipitating our own extinction, with the prospects of now averting this remote – see ‘Human...


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