Difficult times demand clarity from those who have the ability to express opinions in the media. Often times, media will seek an “expert” or an “informed” opinion to add texture to a particular story of national importance. Not surprising...
24 January 2001
the hotchkiss cannon’s opened up . . . .
as those who ran, were chased down like rabbits.
women with or without child, men and even children
all unarmed.
deadly silence fell over the killing fields...
01 October 2000
Yuppification . . . corporatization
. . . bland o’rama.
What a drag it is getting older as the forces of reaction grow bolder. For a quarter century the people’s liberation front gathered at its headquarters in Columbus, Tradewinds....
29 July 2000
It’s summertime and the reading should be easy. Or, at least, fun and educational for progressives. Here are the books I’m enjoying this summer: A double dose of Texas populism at its best in the new books by Jim Hightower, If The...