23 November 2023

It is simply inaccurate to claim that the ongoing Israeli attempt to displace all, or many Palestinian refugees from Gaza to Sinai is a new idea, compelled by recent circumstances. 

 Displacing Palestinians, or...

10 November 2023

The typical response in the United States to the gradual buildup to a war, or even the launching of a war, or even the launching of a war that is reported in U.S. corporate media, is absolutely nothing different: work, school, shopping...

24 October 2023

Labels are central to the politics of media. And no label has been more powerful than “terrorist.”

 A single standard of language should accompany a consistent standard of human rights, which the world desperately needs. “If...

10 October 2023

When Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations spoke outside the Security Council on Sunday, he...

05 October 2023

 We begin with ANDREA MILLER and RAY MCCLENDON, two of our greatest grassroots leaders, introduce their overview for how to organize on the ground with GOTV and democracy center strategies.

 As godparents of the Georgia Way/...


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