19 October 2006
"A time comes when silence is betrayal".
 -Martin Luther King Jr., April 4, 1967 

It all begins somewhere, the questioning, the doubting, the feeling that something’s not right; like that day the captain set fire...
14 August 2006
Reporting from the Veterans For Peace convention in Seattle last weekend, Dahr Jamail reprints a speech by Lt. Ehren Watada, the first commissioned U.S. Army officer to publicly refuse orders to Iraq, stating on June 22, “As the order to...
04 August 2006
"This war in Iraq has been the best thing in the world for Big Oil and OPEC. They've made the largest profits in the history of the world. The interesting thing about your book is you show how it was all planned from the beginning. The...
16 July 2006
Last week the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the investigative unit of Congress, released a report indicating that the Pentagon has been calling up reserve soldiers who are ill or medically unfit to serve. The reservists are...
08 July 2006
NOTICE!!! Wounded Veterans and family members of Veterans who were killed as a result of injuries sustained in the Iraq War –

1. If you disagree with the Iraq War, and
2. If you believe that the Iraq War was illegal...
05 July 2006
Ft. Lewis, WA-Today, July 5, 2006, First Lieutenant Ehren K. Watada was formally charged with three articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: missing movement (Article 87), contempt towards officials (Article 88), and conduct...


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