The Cincinnati rebellion of April 2001 exposed the racist character of the
city. Police brutality, segregation and economic inequality all contributed
an explosion of simmering anger. City Council and Mayor Luken proved unable...
23 July 2003
Calls and Letters Needed Immediately!
Unexpectedly, the House of Representatives has scheduled the debate on the 2004 foreign aid bill -- which contains $600 million in mostly-military aid for Colombia -- for this week, Tuesday...
Unexpectedly, the House of Representatives has scheduled the debate on the 2004 foreign aid bill -- which contains $600 million in mostly-military aid for Colombia -- for this week, Tuesday...
21 July 2003
I need your help to convince Governor Taft to veto HB 152 , the bad megafarm bill! The Governor will make a decision about HB 152 in the next week. Please call the Governor's office, ask for Kate Bartter, and tell her that you strongly...
18 July 2003
Support the Sanders-Otter-Conyers Amendment to the Commerce, Justice, State and Judiciary Appropriations Bill of 2004 with a phone call to your House member. Consider following up with a fax. This amendment could be voted on the House...
18 July 2003
Sometime during the week of July 21, your representative will be voting on
an amendment to the 2004 foreign aid bill that would cut or reduce military
aid to Colombia. The last time an amendment was offered to cut Colombia
military aid...
17 July 2003
I don't often get the chance to witness media bias up-close and personal. But I did on Monday night, when CNN Headline News invited me on to talk about our campaign on the weapons of mass destruction and the new Misleader TV ad.